Kicking The Gasoline & Petro-Diesel Habit

Five Ways The Public Gets Spun About The Oil Situation

August 13, 2008

By Charles Cresson Wood

The American public is being fed significant quantities of disinformation and spin about the current world oil situation. Unfortunately many among us are so pressed for time that they can’t spare a few minutes to seek out alternative points of view. But don’t take this author’s word for it — do your own research on the Internet, searching for terms such as “peak oil” and “Hubbert’s peak.” click here to read more

Five Myths About Alternative Transportation Fuels

August 13, 2008

By Charles Cresson Wood

Myths about the current world oil situation and rapid fuel price increases are causing confusion for consumers, businesses, and government policy makers. Unfortunately, many people don’t have ready access to alternative points of view. This author strongly recommends that the reader do some research on the Internet to verify the truth of the following claims.

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Blaming The Speculators Is Simply Another Type Of Denial

July 30, 2008

By Charles Cresson Wood

In a widely distributed open letter to airline customers, the top management from twelve major American airlines recently claimed that “Our country is facing a possible sharp economic downturn because of skyrocketing oil and fuel prices.” This email went on to request that readers go to a web site (, which is intended to pressure the US Congress to act now to lower oil prices by restricting speculation in the market for oil. Readers are asked to sign up, to join the campaign, and supposedly this groundswell of public support will alleviate high oil prices. There are three major erroneous assumptions associated with this approach, and these will be discussed below. I’m surprised that the top management at these airlines is so out of touch with what’s really happening in the oil market, and I wonder who it is that is feeding these top managers such misguided advice. click here to read more

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